D145 COAL TAR EPOXY COATING (formerly Duraxy TE)

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Features: Provides long term corrosion protection. Easy to apply - By brush or spray. High film build up in single application. Chemical and abrasion resistant. No priming is required in most cases. Provides good weatherability. Highly waterproof. UV resistant

Application Area:

Forms protective layer against corrosion and concrete deterioration in high aggressive ground conditions, can be applied on pipelines, ETP plants, foundations, retaining walls, jetties, harbours etc.


5-6 mē/ kg / coat @100 micron WFT (Actual coverage may vary as per substrate texture and porosity)


4 kg combo pack

Short Description:

Coal tar based epoxy resin coating for steel and concrete surfaces


D145 DURABUILD COAL TAR EPOXY COATING is a proprietary blend of plasticised coal tar enamel modified with selected epoxy resins, and formulated as a two component system for protection of all types of exposed, buried or immersed concrete and steel surfaces.

Technical literature: (click to view literature)

Note: We do possess 100% performance oriented product technology and can provide you customized products (other than the ones mentioned) with properties that exactly suit your needs.


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